I am pleased to tell you
I will be in a fabulous ceramic exhibition
From Friday 10th September
To Sunday 12th September
10 am – 5pm
It is so good to be back showing again

The Kingsbury Barn Exhibition
Is in a beautiful medieval Barn
Worth a visit in its own right.
2019 - the last time we were able to exhibit at Kingsbury Barn.
Its just down the road from the Verulamium Museum, St Albans
There are 21 potters showing
Each with their own style
You can find out a bit about them here
Or view their work on the DCPG Instagram page
You can purchase or commission something unique for yourself or a loved one.
And its FREE entry
I’m looking forward to it.
We will be adhering to Covid safety measures, so there is no ‘have-a-go’ sessions this year
Keep yourself and others as safe as possible.
If you are feeling unwell on the day, stay home and look after yourself,
and in doing so you will be looking after my family and me
for which I thank you.
(I’d rather be in my studio working with clay, than in the hospital with my children, working on their lungs)